Today, Tommi and I played outside ALL day! We built walls on our fort with sticks and wood we got from the forest. We dragged it for like five miles! (Tommi is disagreeing with the distance)

This is our campfire. We pretended like we were olden day people. That's why the title is called "back in the day".

This is another picture of the wall we built. It really helped keep the wind out. We were so snug and warm in our fort!

This is the rest of our fort. The top is where I go hunting. We got a lot of meat. It was very windy today.

This is our whole fort. It is very old. We built it one evening when my mom was working at Sangrita. My dad helped us. All we did today was fence the bottom. We won't fence the top. Look closely, the big pieces of wood are plywood. Tommi and I tried to build another fort out of that but it didn't work so we used it for a wall on this fort. We had to saw the piece closest to the tree.

This is the BEST fort. The wind will probably knock the stuff down, but , Oh well, we can fix it! It was very cold outside but we had a great day! When we got hungry, we went to the store. The store is actually our house. It was a great day, but now me and Tommi are REALLY tired. The End.