Things I want to do with Adam and Alicia:
1. Ride bikes in SunRiver
2. Play with Kai
3. Hold Toby
4. Help Alicia with Kai and Toby
5. Go to their house and stay the night
6. Play on the slip-n-slide (the surf board thingy)

This is what I want to do with Papa and Grandma:
1. Go golfing again - wherever we went last summer
2. Pick flowers and make bouquets
3. Pick raspberries
4. Help Papa in the garden
5. Play in our playhouse with Tommi
6. Sleep on the deck on the 4th of July
7. Go fishing with Papa
8. Go to Ikea with Grandma
9. Ride bikes just with them in SunRiver (holy cow, I do lots of things with Papa and Grandma!!)
10. Show them my Bible school songs, but not in my underwear this time!

Things I want to do with Piper:
1. One night I want to celebrate my birthday
2. I would like to go on a date to a movie
3. Rafting in SunRiver
4. Play at Papa and Grandma's house

Things I want to do in Oregon with the Moore's list:
1. I want to spend the night at their house again
2. I want Stella to stay with me at Grandma's house
3. I want to go to the park with Stella
4. Get ice cream together in SunRiver - ride bikes to the ice cream shop
My List of things I want to do in Oregon with the Chesney's:
1. I want to spend the night at the Chesney's house
2. Play with Elly
3. Bring my bike to Ed's house and go to the park
4. Rafting in SunRiver (I hope Elly is old enough to go!!)
5. Ride bikes in SunRiver
6. Make my famous french toast - one time I made it for Ed and Em and we ate a
whole loaf of bread - it was pretty good.
7. Go to the Farmer's market and get cherries